Rants, Raves, and All Things Cray-Cray

Photo by Transit Gurrl

Photo by Transit Gurrl

I ❤ my smartphone and as such I’m often downloading random apps for those times that you least suspect. A favourite app of mine these days is My Gangsta Name. The app is quite simple: type in your name and it will spit out your gangster…oops, gangsta name (wow, an app that lives up to its name!). According to the app my name is Trippin Licious. That sounds about right to me so I’m rating the app as a gooder.

I know, I know, you’re all probably thinking “Trippin Licious, why does an almost middle-aged lady from Lotus Land need an app like that?” That’s a fair question. It’s important to me to protect the privacy of friends, family, and fellow commuters so from now on I will only refer to them by gansta names.

But I digress…

My friend Trippin Loc recently noted that she too often sees effed up sh*t (I’m paraphrasing… BTW, note how bad*ss I am now that I’ve gone gangsta!) on transit and she’d like to share these stories with all of you fine readers out there. Hellz bellz (see, bad*ss!), I figure just about all of you have experienced the good, the bad, or the ugly on transit so here’s your opportunity to share your transit stories. Simply go to my Facebook page and tell the readers what you saw. Not sure what to write? No problemmo, here are some examples:

RANTS: I would like to ban all of the following on transit: open-mouth gum chewing (major pet peeve of mine), whistling (just call me Sheldon), scented products, and feet on seats (who knows what gross things you’ve stepped in plus, this isn’t your living room). You can also add to the list ‘ride stealing. One of the regulars that I see on the bus has been known on multiple occasions to scam the system by travelling 3 zones on a 2 zone ticket. While I realize that times are tough and many people have a difficult time making ends meet, this person is an engineer (as noted by their iron ring) so they should be able to spring for their full fare.

RAVES:  A passenger rang the bell and then announced “Stroller getting off.”, to which the driver replied “Nobody cares, just make sure you take the baby with you – they always make a mess in the ‘Lost and Found.’” I appreciate it when people bring their sense of humour to work and all of us passengers got a good chuckle.

CRAY-CRAY:  When Spanky da Monkey (Spanx, for short) and I were got on the bus the other day we were greeted by a very boisterous longboarder who had apparently already celebrated happy hour that Friday afternoon. He greeted passengers like a flight attendant, encouraged the driver roll into the turns nice and easy, aisle-surfed the entire trip, sang out loud and proud to the music on his friend’s iPhone while dancing like Anthony Kiedis. To top it all off, he whipped out a can of beer so that it was ready to be cracked open as soon as he got off the bus. Yeah, the Boy Scouts have got nothing on him when it comes to being prepared.

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